Studio Journal2025-01-12T22:52:16+00:00

Are you a victim of WHITE PAGE PHOBIA?

Look at the blank pages before you with courage. Now fill them with beauty.Blaine Hogan It’s been said that the scariest thing for an artist is the clean white page or canvas.  This is true,

Connecting the dots with Paint to Pattern.

Have you ever been on that seesaw of 'I’ve accomplished a lot in my career' but 'I haven't accomplished nearly enough'? I can tell you that I feel that a lot. Yes, a lot, because

How the Pandemic has re-inspired my career

We’re in week 5 of quarantine and I have spent more time in my home studio then ever before.  I’ve pulled out art supplies I haven’t used since college (and used them), revamped my Instagram account

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow

From a little sickly branch, suffering from the trauma of a move from California to the 117 degree Las Vegas summer, grew a gorgeous Black Rose, otherwise known as aeonium arboreum.  It was so Majestic

Lavender Crush – Let’s watch it grow!

Moving from Nevada to California has taken some adjusting where my plants are concerned. I've always had a green thumb and have always loved gardening. I remember my grandparents loving their rose garden and treating

Vintage Stereo Makeover

    I have a lot of things in our home that have been passed down to me from my grandparents...I love them all.  One in particular is this Sears Silvertone Stereo Radio Phonograph.  It's

Styling 3 Living Room Tables

Styling your coffee table or end tables is a great opportunity to really say who you are.  Show your personality and interests while being a possible conversation piece. I have 3 tables I'm going to

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