I don’t want to throw the phone across the room anymore.
How many times have you looked at something on Instagram or Facebook and just thought, "Why do I bother?" As an artist, it's so easy to want to compare ourselves to other artists and feel
Just Begin! Time won’t wait for you to be ready!!
If you had asked me 8 months ago if I would have a licensing deal, I would have laughed and said, "Are you crazy?" But I do and it's a pretty amazing feeling. Flash back
25 things you may not know about me…
I'm sure you know a good amount about me already but I wanted to share some things that aren't really common knowledge. Ok this is gonna be fun. Let's see if I can get to
For the first time ever…
We took Christmas pics. Hey there! I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you and to wish you a really beautiful Christmas. The year has been a strange one so Christmas seems even more
The time I had to rent a kids bike because my legs were too short…
I have a funny story for you, Many years ago, before I even met Remmie, I was in Utrecht, Holland (one of my favorite cities) for a street painting project and a Dutch friend offered
This is for anyone with the Pink Aesthetic!
OBVIOUSLY, I love pink. I mean, what's not to love. It can be soft, subtle, vibrant, bold, and absolutely magical. Not for everyone, I know. But, I think I've come to a point in my
Never too old to learn a new trick
Once you stop learning, you start dying. albert Einstein I graduated Art Center in December of 1997...ages ago it seems. I was young, one of the youngest in most of my classes, an of course,
A Little Kink in the Northern Neck
I'm a 'Make it Work' kinda girl... Hey there! It’s been a few weeks, hasn’t it? Definitely did not forget about my travel blog post, because next on my list of cities is Venice, Italy!!!