We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share.”
-maya Angelou
There’s a lot going on right now. Most of it heartbreaking, unjust, and sometimes overwhelming. So I wanted to take a minute and share some of the things that happened that I thought were really great and should be celebrated.
*Artists around the world are creating George Floyd Memorial Murals. https://news.artnet.com/art-world/street-art-protest-george-floyd-death-1875156
*Washington DC Mayor, Muriel Bowser honors “Black Lives Matter” with a giant mural leading up to the White House on 16th street. https://news.artnet.com/art-world/mayor-of-washington-paint-black-lives-matter-white-house-1880334
If you would like to support Artists of Color, here is a list with links to organizations you can donate to.
- Arts Administrators of Color – https://aacnetwork.org/support/
- Afrotectopia – https://www.afrotectopia.org/donate
- Black Art Futures Fund – https://www.blackartfutures.org/donate/
- Black Girls Magik – http://blackgirlmagik.com/about/contact-us/
- BKLYN Boihood – https://www.bklynboihood.com
- Black Lunch Table – https://donorbox.org/blacklunchtable
- Women of Color in the Arts – https://www.womenofcolorinthearts.org/resources/
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