I love gardening and I especially love succulents because they are just so stinkin adorable. This year has been particularly kind to my lil babies and I’ve started photographing them like crazy and painting my favorites. If you haven’t seen them, you can check them out here. So when I was ready to create my first surface design in Bonnie’s class, and had to name my collection, it was a no brainer. I titled it ‘Living Desert’ and it’s made up of the 6 vibrant patterns that adorn these gift tags I’m now gifting to you.
↠ Click to download the printable free PDF file
Because these are an instant download and you can print them out as many times as you’d like. How cool is that?! I like printing them on bright white card stock so the colors print nice and vibrant. Then cut them out and tie with a pretty ribbon or twine onto your package. You can even print on sticker paper and stick directly onto your gift box or bag.
If you’d like to color coordinate, (or in this case pattern coordinate) like me, you can also wrap your gift in my ’Living Desert’ wrapping paper. It’ll be the best dressed gift on the block.
If you’re on Instagram, I’d love to see how your gifts turn out! Post a pic and tag #melaniesvl.
Processed with VSCO with au1 preset
Please note: All images, patterns and designs are © MelanieStimmellVanLatum and are for your personal use only. You may not reproduce, re-create or sell in any way. Thank you!
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