About Melanie Stimmell

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So far Melanie Stimmell has created 97 blog entries.

Surface Pattern Design in Photoshop

I just love creating patterns. There's something so fun about seeing your images on fabric, wallpapers, or anything else really. When you think about the number of things ate are covered in patterns, it's pretty amazing :). Though I learned to create patterns in Illustrator, I had trouble with the loss of texture, color gradation,

Surface Pattern Design in Photoshop2021-09-06T19:27:27+00:00

My Tutorials & Goodies

I share new tutorials every month and they are absolutely free. Pop in and see what I'm working on and what you can discover. Learn, review, or just enjoy :)

My Tutorials & Goodies2021-03-01T21:33:00+00:00

Surface Pattern Design with Smart Objects in Photoshop

I created this class because I know how difficult it can be to create surface pattern designs that keep 'Your' signature look when vectorizing.  As a painter, I really struggled with this and know how hard it can be to find your place when you don't think the artwork really looks like you created

Surface Pattern Design with Smart Objects in Photoshop2021-09-04T18:33:52+00:00

My Department Head said my character looked like a !%$*?

There are moments in your life/career, that will always stand out as pivotal.   When I was in college, maybe my 3rd year, I had a project that I was extremely proud of.  It was a series of paintings I'd created in the method of the old glass sign painters.  I'd seen it demonstrated in an

My Department Head said my character looked like a !%$*?2021-09-06T19:28:29+00:00

Creating a Surface Pattern Design in Photoshop

It's that time again...my instagram feed is flooded with beautiful posts and promotions for Bonnie Christine's Immersion Course. I'm a huge fan. She's the reason I started learning about surface design in the first place :). I found her course on CreateLive and just fell in love. But...Being that Bonnie teaches surface design in Adobe

Creating a Surface Pattern Design in Photoshop2021-09-06T19:30:00+00:00

I don’t want to throw the phone across the room anymore.

How many times have you looked at something on Instagram or Facebook and just thought, "Why do I bother?" As an artist, it's so easy to want to compare ourselves to other artists and feel super self conscious about our own work. I don't think there's an artist out there that hasn't felt this at

I don’t want to throw the phone across the room anymore.2021-09-06T19:31:22+00:00
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